Technology on the move
While all these things have some purpose, it is easy to get caught up in them. They can chip away at our time with God. I have my Bible on my iphone, and it is handy. However, I still like the feel of the Word of God in my hands. Last night in prayer meeting, the Lord dealt with me about this. I am planning a trip to North Carolina to see my daughter and her family there. I only get to see them once or twice a year. I receive texts from them and pictures and, also, get to Skype them getting to see and hear them at the same time. But none of that replaces the wonderful feeling of holding them in my arms. Touching them, smelling them, and being close to them. That is the way, I feel, the Lord is with us. We can share His Word on facebook, twitter, or other social network. Talk to each other about Him. Send pictures showing His goodness. But none of these can take the place of spending time with Him in His presence. While it is ok for me to spend time doing these things, I must be careful to put Him first and not let other things chip away at my time with Him.